The 50 Best Gifts For New Parents In 2023

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What do new parents need (other than lots of diapers)? Coffee, sleep, childcare, love, support, and…yep, that’s about it. While you can’t provide all of that in one gift, the right present can let them know you’re there for them.

Whether you’re hunting for a gift for a special occasion or simply want to give something to a new mommy and daddy “just because,” look no further. With Mustela’s list of gifts for new parents, you’re sure to find something that will be perfect for the new parent in your life!

50 Thoughtful Gifts For New Parents

To cover all the bases (and all types of parents!), in this list, we’ve included practical gifts to make new parents’ lives easier, fun ways to pamper the parents, and items they can use for their new little one.

1) Books For The Parents

New parents might not have much downtime to read with a baby in the house, but they’ll enjoy a light read when they do have a moment to relax. If you think books aren’t their thing, consider a magazine subscription.

Think about the things they love and used to spend their free time learning about (you know, before the baby came along!). It will help them unwind and feel a little bit more like themselves in a time of lots and lots of change.

2) Books For The Baby

Can a little one ever have too many books? Is it ever too early to begin reading to a baby? We think not.

That’s why baby books are an incredible gift for new parents! Over time, they’ll accumulate a little library of books that their newborn will grow to cherish. You’ll be creating amazing memories between parent and child — all from one book!

And when the parents have a large enough collection…

3) A Bookshelf For Baby’s Room

They can put all the new, shiny stories in one consolidated place! It’s hard enough as it is to keep a clean house, much less with a brand new baby hanging around.

Helping parents get ahead of the organization game with a nursery bookshelf makes the perfect present.

4) An Espresso Machine

Help them up their coffee game with a fancy coffee or espresso maker. No new parent will refuse caffeine! Just make sure you get one that advertises “low-noise” — we don’t want to wake the baby!

5) Coffee Gadgets And Subscriptions

Speaking of coffee, consider getting the new parents a bag of high-end coffee and a fun drink-making gadget — like a milk frother — to make their morning cup of joe even more enjoyable.

And to make sure they never run out of that blissful kick of caffeine, gift them a coffee subscription. These subscriptions allow parents to choose from endless blends and explore exciting coffee varieties to find their new favorite brew.

6) A Good Blender

While we’re on the topic of kitchen tools and appliances, a high-quality blender is something every parent will put to use. With the push of a button, they can make yummy smoothies for themselves and baby food for their little one.

Gifting new parents a blender will help them make those quick snacks and drinks that they’ll need while running around between their little one’s naps. Plus, it’s an appliance that will last them years.

They’ll think of you every time they puree carrots!

7) An Instant Pot

Make food prep easier for tired parents by giving them a convenient multicooker, like the Instant Pot.

The Instant Pot boasts a lot of fancy features — it has 14 different settings, and it can even make yogurt! — but its most amazing quality is how fast and easy it makes dinner time for busy new parents.

They won’t have to rely on take-out or the neighbors’ lasagna to get through those sleepless days. You’ll be giving them the gift of their favorite home-cooked meals finished in 30 minutes!

It’s a present that will last for a long time. Even better, it will save them time through those rambunctious toddler years, too.

8) A Newborn Arrival Gift Set

If you’re gifting something to parents of a newborn, consider a gift specialized for their new baby. With Mustela’s Newborn Arrival Gift Set, parents receive five natural skincare products specifically designed for a newborn’s delicate skin!

Each product in this set is formulated with Avocado Perseose, a patented natural ingredient that helps protect and hydrate baby skin.

9) Mocktails

If mom is breastfeeding and not drinking alcohol, mocktails might be a fun gift for her. Gathering the ingredients for the perfect mocktail can be as simple as finding a ready-to-go kit or crafting one of your own.

Find out what drinks are her favorite, and put together the juices, syrups, and everything else to make her feel like she’s not missing out!

10) Customized Gifts

Engraved, customized glassware lets new parents sip their drinks in style! And gorgeous drinkware isn’t just for adult beverages. It can be used for non-alcoholic drinks for nursing moms, too!

Nowadays, you can personalize almost any gift to make it more fun and sentimental. Plus, the possibilities are practically endless.

Custom coasters to keep the coffee table clean and classy, hand-selected scents for candles or essential oils, and engraved ornaments are just a few of the many ways to spruce up their gift with your own personal touch.

11) Nipple Cream

It’s not a very exciting gift, but it might be just what a new breastfeeding mom needs! She’ll thank you for Mustela’s Nursing Comfort Balm to keep her nipples comfortable and moisturized.

12) Stretch Marks Cream

Another thoughtful gift is our EWG Verfied Stretch Marks Cream. Made with natural ingredients, this cream is perfect for new moms trying to minimize the appearance of stretch marks safely and effectively!

We also recommend our Stretch Marks Set, which includes both Stretch Marks Cream Fragrance-Free and Stretch Marks Oil.

13) Slippers

Staying comfy at home is a must for new parents! Give mom and dad new slippers so they can be warm and cozy while caring for their baby. Something soft, durable, and easy to slip on and off will make any time of day a little more comfortable.

14) Pajamas For The Parents

New pajamas are a fun way to pamper the parents. Also, consider lounge clothes for stay-at-home days. Extra points if they match with their baby!

15) Pajamas For The Baby

If you’re giving pajamas to the parents, why not include the new baby in the gift?

Any baby will sleep soundly with Stelatopia Skin Soothing Pajamas, but these 100% cotton sleepers are specially designed to soothe and moisturize eczema-prone skin.

Formulated with natural ingredients embedded right into the fibers, our pajamas help little ones sleep longer, which means parents get more sleep, too!

16) Noise-Canceling Headphones

Trying to soothe a fussy newborn can add stress to a parent’s day. Noise-canceling headphones are just the thing to help the new parent in your life calm their little one while turning the volume down a notch.

Or, while one parent is up with the baby, noise-canceling headphones can help the other parent get some much-needed sleep.

17) Fun Baby Plates

Any plastic plate will do the job when a baby starts eating solid food. But a special baby plate makes mealtime more fun for everyone!

There’s something for every baby: faceplates (spaghetti hair, anyone?), princesses, or construction-themed plates with shovels for spoons.

18) Restaurant Gift Cards

Parents can use restaurant gift cards in two ways: for a much-needed date night out or for take-out on the days when they don’t get around to making dinner.

If you’re feeling extra generous, you could get them a few smaller gift cards from different restaurants in the area so they can order from more than one place. They can turn their date night into a global feast right at home!

19) Meal Kit Service

Sometimes it’s just not feasible for new parents to leave the house if it’s an all-hands-on-deck sort of day. Help them out by providing them with a meal kit delivery service.

No grocery shopping required and only a little prep — dinner’s ready! Their taste buds will be singing your praises for a weekend off of ramen noodles and PB&Js.

20) House Cleaning Service

There’s nothing quite like a clean house! Take a big load off of new parents by giving them the gift of house cleaning services.

All they have to do is call to set up the day then sit back and enjoy a clean house. They can take a little walk in the park with their bundle of joy and come back to a sparkly, fresh-scented home. It’ll feel like a whole new world!

21) A Robot Vacuum

Robotic vacuums are a terrific way to keep one task off a parent’s list so they can focus on the more important things. Many of these products are even self-emptying and self-charging, so your gift will keep them happy and their floors looking fantastic!

Allowing them to take care of their little one while all of the dirt and dust around the house is picked up means they have a chance to relax when they finally do have some downtime.

22) An At-Home Date Night Gift Box

Once the baby is in bed, mom and dad crash on the couch. Give them an at-home date night gift box so they can spend quality time together without leaving the house. No babysitter needed and pajamas required!

This gift box can be jam-packed with the parents’ favorite snacks, fizzy drinks (champagne encouraged if Mom isn’t breastfeeding), and a coupon to rent a movie.

They may be so tired that they end up falling asleep halfway through, but it’s the thought that really counts!

23) Travel-Sized Family Essentials

Travel-sized baby products will make packing the diaper bag a breeze.

Mustela’s Bebe On The Go travel set includes Gentle Cleansing Gel, Cleansing Wipes, and Hydra Bébé Body Lotion. All three gentle products are hypoallergenic, paraben-free, and great for carry-on luggage!

Other gentle products great for travel include our Multi-Purpose Balm with 3 Avocado Extracts and SPF 50 Mineral Sunscreen Stick. Both of these are ideal for the whole family and helpful to have on hand.

24) Travel Tray For The Car

Before they know it, parents will need to start entertaining their little one during car trips. Make it easier for them with a travel tray that attaches to the car seat.

Ideal for snacking, coloring, and book-browsing!

25) A Cream For Outdoor Mishaps

When little ones play outside, scrapes and scratches are bound to happen. Put together a great gift by pairing Cicastela Moisture Recovery Cream with a fun outdoor game.

Cicastela Moisture Recovery Cream is a multi-purpose ointment that can be used for the whole family — from the smallest of babies all the way to the adults! It’s great for diaper area redness, scratches, scrapes, red patches, bug bites, and traces of chickenpox.

To further help minimize discomfort from any boo-boos that your little one might get, our Arnica Gel moisturizes and refreshes skin for a natural, soothing feeling after a day of imagination-filled adventures.

And adding our Certified Organic Cotton Wipes with Water to this gift pairing will give parents an ultra-soft, fragrance-free way to gently cleanse affected areas.

Now that sounds like something good to have on hand!

26) A Fun-In-The-Sun Gift

Need a cute summertime gift? Consider giving a baby-safe sunscreen, pool toys, and an adorable swimsuit.

For a sunscreen that parents can put on their baby’s delicate skin with confidence, opt for Mustela SPF 50 Mineral Sunscreen. Made with natural ingredients, including coconut oil, zinc oxide, macadamia oil, and vitamin E, it’s recommended for daily use by the Skin Cancer Foundation.

Our NEA Certified mineral sunscreen comes in three convenient formats: lotion, stick, and spray.

Our fragrance-free mineral sunscreen can be used on your baby’s face and body, is water-resistant for up to 80 minutes, and is made with naturally derived ingredients.

Formulated with mineral-based ingredients (no chemicals here!), this sunscreen is ideal for the whole family! And all of our sunscreens are certified by the National Eczema Association to keep your baby’s skin soft and hydrated in the sun.

27) A Fitness Tracker For Mom

When a new mom is bouncing back from pregnancy and childbirth, it can be hard to find the motivation to get moving.

A fitness tracker will encourage her to stay active and help her keep track of her activity. After all, those steps while bouncing her baby to sleep have to count for something!

Most fitness trackers also encourage mindfulness. A few times a day, Mom’s watch will tell her to take a second and breathe deeply. This will help her stay calm and centered even on the most hectic of days.

28) A Gym Class Gift Card Or Membership

Another great gift that will help the new mom stay active is a gift card or membership to gym classes! She’ll enjoy the accountability of a class as well as getting out of the house and meeting new people.

Taking some time away from the house to focus on her health will help the new mom feel a little bit more like herself. Fitness is also one of the best ways to offset the symptoms of postpartum depression.

And don’t forget Dad! Everyone could use a little breathing room — tackling some quick cardio at the same time never hurts!

29) Lotions And Balms

Looking for another gift for the mom? A nice lotion might be just the thing! Treat her skin to hydration with Mustela Organic Hydrating Cream with Olive Oil and Aloe. This restorative cream for the face and body leaves both baby and adult skin soft, supple, and hydrated.Plus, you’ll be giving her the gift of assurance since our hydrating cream and many other products are certified with the Environmental Working Group’s stamp of approval, which meets some of the strictest health standards for the whole family.We also recommend our Multi-Purpose Balm with 3 Avocado Extracts. Designed to nourish, repair, and protect your skin from head to toe, our Multi-Purpose balm is safe and effective for newborns, babies, children, and adults.

30) A New Bag

There’s no such thing as too many bags, especially with lots of baby stuff to carry around now! A new diaper bag (or a cute handbag) stuffed with all sorts of diapering essentials makes a great gift.

Fill it with diapers, Diaper Cream with Olive Oil and Aloe, and wipes. And don’t forget Mustela Organic Micellar Water with Olive Oil and Aloe, a gentle micellar water that’s perfect for quick, on-the-go cleanups!

31) A Diaper Subscription

This may not seem like the most glamorous gift option in the world, but nothing soils new diapers like a baby (pun intended!).

New parents will go through diapers at the speed of light! Getting the new family a diaper subscription will help patch up the infinite diaper shortage they’ll experience during the next few months and keep diaper rash at bay.

Most diaper subscriptions also scale the size of the diapers to accommodate the growing baby, which is an added bonus!

Complete the gift with our NEA-certified Diaper Rash Cream and Organic Cotton Wipes for a gentle and effective way to keep the new little one happy and clean.

32) A Massage Or Spa Day

Stress can sneak up quickly for new parents! The best way to counter the long days and nights is to have a peaceful day of rest and relaxation.

A gift card to a local spa opens up several stress-relieving possibilities — from easing muscle pain to kicking back with a therapeutic facial, parents will be refreshed and ready to take on anything.

33) Baby Massage Balm Or Baby Oil

Don’t forget a massage for the little one, too. Our Melting Massage Balm is a great gift that’s proven to moisturize and nourish baby skin, and its ingredients are 100% natural.

Our Baby Oil is also a great option for massage time. With this oil, the new parents can moisturize their baby’s skin and help stimulate their baby’s senses to relax and prepare for bedtime.

Massages for one, massages for all!

34) Bath And Body Gift Set

Speaking of massages and the like, a bath and body gift set is the perfect gift for everyone in the family. Our Organic Bath and Body Gift Set includes our Organic Cleansing Gel and Organic Hydrating Cream in one environmentally friendly package.

This ready-to-go gift is sure to add quality spa-level hydration for everyone.

35) The Gift Of Memories

As a new parent, there are so many firsts to experience in a short period of time. Thankfully, there are countless ways to capture and store these milestones for every trip down memory lane.

Whether it’s a scrapbook they can fill with all the special moments or a digital photo frame they can upload all of their favorites to, giving them a way to keep these precious memories will be a gift they’ll cherish forever.

36) A Journal

Sometimes, the best gifts for new parents don’t have anything to do with the new baby. They may simply communicate that you know and love your friend and are there for them in this new life phase.

For a new parent who loves jotting things down or writing, a nice journal makes a good “just for you” gift. Complete the package by including a pen, too.

37) Makeup Wipes And Accessories

Not all new moms are putting on a full face of makeup every day, but the right makeup gift can make her feel pretty and pampered.

Give her some of her favorite makeup accessories along with gentle, non-irritating makeup remover wipes, such as our Cleansing Wipes. Allure named these multi-purpose wipes as one of their Best of Beauty in 2017.

Micellar water is also a wonderfully gentle option for removing makeup. Even better, our Certified Organic Micellar Water with Olive Oil and Aloe is ideal for the whole family.!

38) Dad Joke Book

Help dad embrace his new role in life by brushing up on some dad jokes. The right dad joke book is a funny gift and can provide him with an enjoyable, relaxing moment for himself.

39) Hiking Backpack

If hiking is a favorite hobby, give a gift that facilitates your friend’s pastime. A baby hiking backpack allows the new parent to bring their little one along without skipping a beat.

40) Photo Printer

With a new baby in the house, new parents quickly rack up hundreds (if not thousands) of photos. Don’t leave all those precious baby photos on the phone!

A photo printer that’s easy to sync to their phone is something they never knew they needed. We think it’s one of the best possible gifts for new parents.

41) Mom Or Dad T-Shirt

One of the most basic gifts for new parents is a “dad” or “mom” T-shirt that expresses who they are.

Whether they’re calling themselves “dada,” “papa,” “mama,” “mommy,” or anything in-between, you can find or have a T-shirt made with their new name!

42) New Clothes For New Parents

Speaking of giving the gift of clothing, new clothes make a good gift for fashion-loving parents.

This can be a particularly special present for a new mom who is learning how to dress her postpartum body. Comfortable yet stylish clothes that fit well can provide a confidence boost.

43) Multi-Purpose Balm

Multi-purpose products quickly become a favorite for many parents since time, space, and energy are often limited!

Our Multi-Purpose Balm with three avocado extracts is designed to nourish, repair, and protect skin from head to toe. It hydrates areas of skin damaged by dryness and protects against external stressors. It’s ideal for the face, neck, lips, elbows, hands, cuticles, feet, and knees.

Our Multi-Purpose balm is perfect for use after a variety of occasions: sledding, swimming, a winter outing, or — the most important for new parents! — a night with little sleep.

Made with upcycled avocados that are responsibly and sustainably sourced in Peru, this EWG Verified cream is made with 99.7% ingredients of natural origin. Plus, it’s packaged in an eco-friendly aluminum tube and made with zero waste since we use the entire avocado.

Three cheers for skincare products that are good for humans and the planet, too!

44) A Mustela Gift Card

If you like the idea of giving a Mustela skincare product but aren’t sure which product would be the most helpful gift for new parents, an eGift Card is a sure bet.

They can choose for themselves between a maternity skincare product, a multi-purpose product for the whole family, or something specifically for their little one.

45) Chocolate Bonbons

For a true treat-yourself gift, give chocolate bonbons or truffles. But don’t settle for just any chocolate! Go all-out for luxury chocolate that the new parent probably wouldn’t splurge on themselves.

46) Ice Cream

An ice cream treat might be just the thing on a long, hard day of parenting. Bring pints of ice cream and leave them in the freezer, or supply your friend with an ice cream delivery or subscription service.

47) Flowers

A great gift for new parents doesn’t have to be long-lasting or super useful. A simple bouquet of flowers can brighten their day and let them know that you’re thinking of them.

48) A Water Bottle

Breastfeeding moms need to stay well-hydrated. A stylish water bottle or tumbler will keep her drink cool and within reach.

If she prefers hot drinks, like tea, an insulated travel mug is another great idea. Pair it with loose leaf tea or tea bags and voila! A great gift for a tea-loving mom.

49) A New Coffee Mug

Even for parents who aren’t nursing a newborn, a new coffee mug is always welcome. A brand new coffee mug can give them a few moments of feeling brand new, too!

Opt for a cute mug that suits their personality or one that includes their new title of “mom” or “dad.”

50) A Robe

When you’re in the throes of caring for a newborn, there’s no such thing as too many comfy clothes. A robe can be a great gift to keep the new parent warm and cozy when they’re up tending to their little one.

Or, go with a pretty silk robe for the new mom. It might not be practical for staying warm, but if it makes her feel good about herself while she’s doing her mom duties, that’s all that matters.

Give The Perfect Gift With Lots Of Love

Oftentimes, what new parents need most are support and love. And you can communicate that by being there for them and giving a thoughtful present! Choosing gifts for new parents doesn’t have to be complicated.

Use one of our 50 gift ideas to pick out the perfect present. Between books, slippers, a robot vacuum, flowers, Multi-Purpose Balm, and all the rest, you’ll find one that’s just right for the new parent in your life.

Include something for the parents — such as Organic Hydrating Cream — and something for the baby — like our Newborn Arrival Gift Set — or choose an eGift Card to make the whole family happy!

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